News Detail


Jul, 2020

A Request for Help.

My name is Paul Dale Plattenburg, Umpire-In-Chief for District 28 Little League. I am a 61 year old widower who has been down some scary roads and back in the past six years.

I am in need of a live kidney donor and would really appreciate the gift of life. I would love to be honored for another 35+ years of service. Here is my story. Please contact me any time at [email protected]

In 2014, at the age of 55, I had my first broken bone. That started my downhill decline. 

In 2015, my wife of 13 years, Kathy, fell several times. Her neurologist diagnosed her with Cortico-Basil Degeneration. I lived up to my vows that said in sickness and in health because for the next two years, even with my health falling, I took care of Kathy.

July of 2016 found both Kathy and I in Riddle Hospital in Media, PA. at the same time. Kathy was paralyzed because of her degeneration and I with Congestive Heart Failure. It was at this time I learned I had high end Stage 4 Kidney Failure. After nine days in the hospital, I was allowed to go home but Kathy never did. She was transferred to Broomall Nursing and Rehabilitation Center where she stayed until her death in June of 2019.

When Kathy died I had to move out of our home. I found a place to live but it's on a second floor apartment without an elevator. The Federal Government granted my request for disability, being I have heart and kidney failure, but the apartment is not disable friendly. I also work as I am allowed to.

In March of 2019, I had my Fistula inserted in my wrist for Dialysis. In November my kidneys started shutting down. The holidays were approaching and without Kathy to share them with, I wanted nothing to do with it.

My Nephrologist suggested in March of 2020, I start Dialysis. It has given me my life back but I do however need a kidney transplant.  

One of my greatest loves is baseball. I have been an umpire for over 40 years. PIAA has recognized me for 35+ years of service. I am the Umpire-in-Chief for District 28 Little League and Chester County Youth American Legion. 


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